Transport Research and Consultancy Services

EUROMOBILITA offer a wide array of Transport Research activities, depending on your needs. We offer consulting services and promotion of next generation products and services.

We aim to work with you to develop a brief of your requirements and ensure that results of any work has high value.

For this we have team of experts to work on our projects and we always ensure the high quality our clients have come to expect.

Dissemination, Communication and Social Media  Activities

EUROMOBILITA has a wide knowledge of preparing general Dissemination Activities that will separate the information and main message of your proposals or projects and its results to target audiences.

For the Dissemination of this knowledge to be effective and efficient, knowledge transfer and a variety of various Dissemination activities will be carried out.

The impact of the Dissemination Strategy can be measured by a series of criteria relevant to your specific agreed objectives.

EUROMOBILITA foresees a variety of instruments for spreading excellence, exploiting results and disseminating knowledge.

To achieve Dissemination goals, a set of Dissemination tools and activities need to be applied.

EUROMOBILITA can provide a diverse range of these for any kind of  proposal/project.
These activities include:

  • Development of a corporate image, including the logotype design and colour schemes.
  • Creation and maintenance of a Project website or portal
  • Project Database Maintenance
  • Regular Newsletters in various formats including paper, PDF and e-newsletter and flip-book format, for use on the Project Website.
  • Workshop, seminar, conference and other Event Organisation
  • Development and Implementation of Questionnaires – including on-line versions.
  • Implementation of a Digital Voting System to support decision making processes at Conferences, Meetings, Workshops and other events.
  • Design and distribution of promotional leaflets, posters, flyers and other promotional materials.

Website and Visual Identity Development

For your successful promotion on the Web we can develop overall identity of your company or project, develop a website and prepare other promotional materials.

Website/Portal Development

In today’s high-tech environment, the Project Website/Portal is one of the most important dissemination channels.

EUROMOBILITA has the knowledge to set-up, host a domain, develop and maintain the Project Website or Project Portal.

For this we have a team of experts working on our projects and we always ensure the high quality our clients have come to expect.

Communication with target groups (visitors to the site, potential clients, stakeholders, media) can be made easier and more interactive using such forums as: On-line chat, video conferences, blog or subscription mailing lists.

When we start to develop a website, we put a lot of focus on important elements:

  • Choosing the right platform for the Website (adding Social media support, mobile/tablet support, providing digital experience and interaction with the audience)

  • Disseminate the company/project idea in a simple way and educate portal visitors.
  • Adding value for general visitors and special groups (project consortium members, board of directors…), providing them with up-to-date and quality information, case studies, encourage discussion)
  • Providing good user experience (simple and intuitive user interfaces)
  • Creating personalised online targeted subscription mailing lists, Members Area, Repository, FAQ, blog or other personalised portal content.
  • Encourage portal visitors (Privacy protected Members)  to comment or interact with each other.
  • Development and Implementation of an (on-line) Questionnaires, Monitor Portal  Statistics. 

Database Development and Maintenance

Euromobilita has excellent experience with designing, validating, implementing and populating research databases. An important objective of databases is to ensure regular validation, updating and maintenance of the data, which is an important aspect to keep them up-to-date.

Database Validation

Database Validation is an automatic check to ensure that the data entered is sensible and reasonable. Validation of the database can be performed on a monthly basis to ensure that the database is running on clean, correct and useful data. 

Periodic validation routines can be performed and will check for correctness, meaningfulness, and security of data that are input into the system.

Database Maintenance

Database maintenance is an activity which is designed to keep a database running smoothly and stable.
In order to prevent data loss periodic backups of the database/portal can be provided using a separate storage system.

Regularly checking for any abnormalities in the database which might signal a problem is a service on offer. The goal is to keep the database operating smoothly for users, so that ideally they never need to think about maintenance issues.

Communication with the project target groups (visitors, potential clients, research institutes, media) can be easier and more interactive using forums such as: On-line chat, video conferences, blog or subscription mailing lists.

Internal Mailing Lists

In case of a project with multiple partners/stakeholders, internal project mailing lists enhance the internal communication within the project members. Mailing lists serve as a primary communication channel where project members exchange documents, information and help each other during the project progress.

EUROMOBILITA can create, maintain and support multiple mailing lists for sectors within your company or for project purpose.

EUROMOBILITA can also provide set up, administration and maintenance of mailing lists. Add and remove users from lists and provide support for all users, together with statistics.


EUROMOBILITA can  create Newsletters (including news gathering) in e-format together with a Page Flip format.

Regular Newsletters are an ideal news gathering method and a Newsletter takes about a month to complete start to finish and involves a lot of chasing for stories, proofreading and final check by the client. EUROMOBILITA can provide monthly requests for news items, collect together information and publish these to the Web as and when required.

From previous work, best practice shows that electronic newsletters are more efficient than the classic paper version, so EUROMOBILITA tends to create e-newsletters. e-Newsletters are published on the website for Website/Portal visitors. Page flip (or Flip book) format of these can be created to display information in an eye-catching format and provides an easy reading experience. Page flip newsletters are interactive and make for a better user experience for portal visitors.

Event Organisation

EUROMOBILITA has extensive experience of organising and promoting Workshops, Seminars, Conferences and other events.

Pre-event plan: 

  • To identify the type of the event

  • To identify the location of the event

  • To identify the date of the event

  • To identify the goals of the event
  • Analysing the possibility of integrating a Digital Voting System to support the events objectives and outcomes of research.

  • To determine a Programme of Speakers

  • Creating Invitations to Significant Others

  • Preparing a Marketing Plan of the event

  • Creating Event templates for presentations

  • Inviting Event Delegates

  • Registrations for delegates  and Confirmations for the event

  • Delegate e-mail joining instructions

  • Preparation of Proceedings

  • Confirmation of Catering

Activity plan for the day of the event:

  • Welcoming and Registering delegates

  • Ensuring proceedings and corporate gifts are distributed to each participant

  • Preparation of the Digital Voting System (if needed), distributing voting keypads, collecting and checking speakers presentations

  • Coordination of Breakout Sessions or any other parallel activities during the event
  • Preparation and collection of Feedback Information

  • Preparing “Thank you” letters to speakers at the event
  • Creating Invitations to Significant Others

Additional miscellaneous tasks of Event Organisation include:

  • Organising a Press Conference after the event

  • Preparing a Press Release before and after the event

  • Ensuring workshop presentations and results from Digital Voting are available for download from the website

Development and Implementation of Questionnaires and Surveys

It is critical to understand the viewpoint of the customers of the value stream and their “customer satisfiers.” A successful start of a project begins by gathering the customers’ view of the performance of the value stream by direct interaction with them. EUROMOBILITA will get the feedback from stakeholders to analyse topics or issues.

Questionnaires and surveys are a cost effective way of obtaining the qualitative and quantitative data from customers, regarding their needs and satisfiers.

There are 4 main parts of developing Questionnaire:

Digital Voting Support and Implementation

A Digital Voting System can be simply described as a combination of Hardware and Software designed to add interactivity to participants of Workshops, Projects meetings or other events.

The Digital Voting System gives each member of an event a voice and allows them to be actively engaged, relay their levels of understanding and share their opinions via the use of interactive credit-card sized wireless voting units. 

Digital Voting systems implemented by Euromobilita are based on a free vote and expression of opinion and therefore provide good added value for involving people from different cultures and with different backgrounds to actively participate at meetings.

In order to assure Interactive Mechanism to Enhance Connectivity between research solutions and policy-making Digital Voting System (sometimes referred to as Electronic Voting System) can be used at Brokerage Events such as Regional based Workshops,Project Meetings, Conferences and other events where decisions need to be made and results can be discusses immediately.

EUROMOBILITA has the knowledge of enabling a Digital voting system to Workshops, Project meetings and other events where participants wish to be actively engaged into expressing their opinion.

EUROMOBILITA has the required hardware, software and technical support to perform Digital
voting at Events where where facilitating decision-making is a valuable feedback and speakers wish to interact with an audience.

Integrating the Digital Voting System in Workshops, Seminars, Project meetings or other events offers many benefits compared to traditional presentation techniques (Power Point Presentations) such as:

  • Confirm participant understanding of key points immediately

  • Create an interactive environment

  • Increases participant’s attentiveness

  • Increase knowledge and information retention
  • Anonymous polling, which can be selected

  • Display polling results immediately
  • Gather data for Reporting and Analysis

  • Promoting participant Engagement